
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

  • banner-95-library-2024
  • banner-Bykov-2024


  • anons-V-kraj-2024
  • anons-vzglyad-iznutri
  • anons-ExLibris
  • anons-presidential library
  • anons-litres
  • shkola-mastak
  • anons-echz

Professional competitions

It is generally recognized that professional competitions serve as a means of realizing the creative potential of librarians, they help set to develop professional and personal and creative capabilities, to identify talented employees, to stimulate innovation process in general, raise the social status of the library profession.

The section provides information about contests among libraries and librarians of Vitebsk region, that are held at the regional and city levels.



arrow Library is the center of national culture (the regional round of the republican contest)

arrow Library is the center of spiritual Education and upbringing (the regional round of the republican contes)

arrow Best Public Center of Legal Information



arrow 2023

Regional contest of library children's game programs «ZATEYA»

Regulations of the competition

Competition works


arrow 2022

Regional contest «To see the land through the book: BELARUS»

Regulations of the competition

Competition works


arrow 2020

Regional competition presentation video «Land Under White Wings»

Regulations of the competition

Competition works

arrow 2019 

Regional festival of library theaters of books and puppet theaters «Magic ramp»

Regulations on the festival

arrow 2017

Regional exhibition show of a self-made book dedicated to the 500th anniversary of Belarusian printing in Polotsk

Regulations on the exhibition


arrow 2016

Regional movie competition «Reading works of Bogdanovich together», devoted to 125th anniversary of Belarusian poet Maxim Bogdanovich date of birth

Regulations of the competition

Regionalcompetition «Best Department of Legal Information at Vitebsk Region» 

Regulations of the competition

arrow 2013

The regional competition sites of public libraries

Regulations of the competition

arrow 2012

Regional competition of young librarians’ professional skills

Regulations of the competition



arrow 2018 

Interlibrarian contest of book installations «We open the world through the book»

Regulations of the competition

Competition works


arrow 2015

City booktrailer competition «A book about war: a new format»

Regulations of the competition 

Competition works