
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

  • banner-95-library-2024
  • banner-Bykov-2024


  • anons-V-kraj-2024
  • anons-vzglyad-iznutri
  • anons-ExLibris
  • anons-presidential library
  • anons-litres
  • shkola-mastak
  • anons-echz

Presidential Library named after B. Yeltsin

The Remote Access Center to Information Resources of the Presidential Library named after B. Yeltsin is working on the basis of Vitebsk Regional Library within the Cooperation Agreement.

The Presidential Library functions as a national digital warehouse copies of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, the Russian language, as well as a cultural, educational, scientific, educational and information and analytical center.

The volume of the library's collection amounts to more than a million storage units – an electronic copy of books and periodicals, archival documents, audio and video recordings, photographs, scientific and educational films, abstracts of dissertations, maps and other materials.

Users can access with the unique Russian cultural, historical and literary heritage, as well as get acquainted with works and documents on the history of Belarus and Russia, the theory and practice of Belarusian and Russian statehood.

For free access to the resources of the Presidential Library, you need to register at Vitebsk Regional Library named after V. Lenin and turn to the legal information and electronic resources department.

You can get acquainted with information of the Presidential Library, as well as find out in more detail about the activities of the institution on the portal www.prlib.ru.


Language of documents: russian, english.

Access: local.