
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Of utmost importance: the history of the Vitebsk region in faces. A woman is a mother, protector, and worker

On October 14, as part of the Week of Parental Love, a thematic lounge entitled «Of utmost importance: the history of the Vitebsk region in faces. A woman is a mother, protector, and worker» was held in the library.

On October 14, as part of the Week of Parental Love, a thematic lounge entitled «Of utmost importance: the history of the Vitebsk region in faces. A woman is a mother, protector, and worker» was held in the library.

The event was organized by the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region, the Vitebsk Regional Library named after V. Lenin, the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Workers of State and Other Institutions, and the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Union of Women.

The speakers at the event included the Chairperson of the Vitebsk City Council of Deputies Olga Ivanova, the Director of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region Alexander Korol, and the Chairperson of the Vitebsk Regional Organization of the Belarusian Trade Union of Workers of State and Other Institutions Elena Nefedova. A congratulatory song for all mothers was presented by Evgeniya Vasekha, a participant of the model studio of pop songs of the secondary school No. 4 of Vitebsk.

The participants of the meeting recalled the glorious names of women-defenders of the Fatherland, women-workers, women-mothers. The chief custodian of the funds Olga Davidovskaya spoke about the awards of mothers-heroines stored in the funds of the Vitebsk regional museum of local history.

The heroic and tragic fate of the Hero of the Soviet Union Zinaida Tusnolobova-Marchenko was presented in the story of Elena Bondareva, head of the IPS and automated archival technologies department of the State Archive of the Vitebsk region. Zoya Krot, a veteran of the women's movement, shared the history of the foundation of the regional award named after Zinaida Tusnolobova-Marchenko. The host of the living room, Deputy Director of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region Tatyana Buevich warmly introduced the women laureates of this honorary award, mothers of many children Alexandra Solovieva and Elena Zhebentyaeva, to those present at the event.

The head of the general reading room of the library Tatyana Pototskaya spoke about the women librarians of the Vitebsk region – the heroines of the virtual project «Military Roads of Librarians of the Vitebsk Region». The speech of the head of the local history department Larisa Rogacheva was dedicated to the honorary citizen of the city of Vitebsk Maria Chumanikhina.

The leading archivist of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region Svetlana Myasoedova introduced the attendees to the exhibitions prepared by the employees of the State Archives of the Vitebsk Region, the Vitebsk Regional Museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Minai Shmyrev, and the Vitebsk Regional Library.


  • Olga Ivanova
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    Olga Ivanova
  • Alexander Korol
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    Alexander Korol
  • Elena Nefedova
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    Elena Nefedova
  • Tatyana Buevich
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    Tatyana Buevich
  • Olga Davidovskaya
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    Olga Davidovskaya
  • Elena Bondareva
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    Elena Bondareva
  • Zoya Krot
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    Zoya Krot
  • Tatyana Pototskaya
    big image
    Tatyana Pototskaya
  • Larisa Rogacheva
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    Larisa Rogacheva
  • Svetlana Myasoedova
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    Svetlana Myasoedova
  • Evgenia Vasekha
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    Evgenia Vasekha
  • Participants of the meeting
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    Participants of the meeting
  • Participants of the meeting
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    Participants of the meeting