
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Lecture «Artist Efim Minin»

Free courses «Vitebsk: real and popular history of the native city». Lecture 7 (65)

On May 23, the lecture of the free course «Vitebsk: real and popular history of the native city» was dedicated to the presentation of new book «Artist Efim Minin» by local historian Arkady Podlipsky.

The publication about the graphic artist, who depicted Vitebsk city landscapes in his works, continues the series «Lives of remarkable people of Vitebsk region», revealing to the readers the fates and achievements of our outstanding countrymen.

During the presentation Arkady Podlipsky shared fascinating facts about the family of Efim Minin, about important places in Vitebsk connected with life and activities of its representatives. The listeners not only learned about the tragic biography of the artist Efim Minin, but also discovered the fates of his prominent relatives. Special attention was paid to the artist's niece, Lyudmila Minina – meteorologist, doctor of geographical sciences, and stepson Vladimir Samokvasov – a famous photographer.

The presentation of the book «Artist Efim Minin» was not only an opportunity to plunge into the history of art and culture of our city, but also to discover amazing pages of life of people whose legacy continues to live and inspire Vitebsk citizens.


  • Arkady Podlipsky
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    Arkady Podlipsky
  • During the lecture
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    During the lecture
  • Arkady Podlipsky
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    Arkady Podlipsky
  • During the lecture
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    During the lecture
  • Arkady Podlipsky
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    Arkady Podlipsky