
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

Database «Regional archive of periodicals»

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Database «Regional archive of periodicals»
Elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus

  • anons-NEW-BOOKS 13-17 01 2025
  • anons-ONE-CHRISTMAS-TREE-26-12-2024
  • THE-WAY-Pshenko
  • anons-INTELLECTUAL-RING 30 01 2025
  • anons-ExLibris
  • anons-presidential library
  • anons-litres
  • anons-elib-nlb
  • shkola-mastak
  • anons-echz

Year of improvement
80 years of the Great Victory
  • Presentation of the book by Maina Boboriko «Vitebsk Stained Glass»

    Devoted to the World Poetry Day

    On March 21, the world celebrates the Poetry Day. There is no coincidence that this day the Vitebsk regional library hosted the meeting of fans of the poetic world. At the suggestion of Tamara Krasnova-Gusachenko, the chairman of the Vitebsk regional branch of the public association «Union of Writers of Belarus», the participants honored the memory of all Vitebsk writers who had passed away.

  • Презентация книги Михаила Конона «Юргінія»

    Yurginiya31 марта в отделе краеведческой литературы и библиографии состоялась презентация романа журналиста, писателя Михаила Конона «Юргінія».

  • Presentation of Mikhail Rubin's Book «To Everyone»

    On March 20, the library hosted a presentation of the second edition of the book «To Everyone» by Mikhail Rubin, the poet, musician, teacher. All the poems from this book became songs, many of which were performed at the presentation by the author. The most favorite poems were recited by Nina Levinson and poetesses Olga Matskevich and Tatyana Polyakova.

  • Presentation of the book «Local History atlas of Mazolovsky Village Council of Vitebsk region» by N. Pivovar

    On February 9, a presentation of the book «Local History atlas of Mazolovsky village council of the Vitebsk region» by the candidate of historical sciences Nikolai Pivovar took place at 4 p.m. in the library.

  • Presentation of the book by Natalya Golovach «Waltz about a cat»

    On June 12, the presentation of the book «Waltz about a cat» by Natalya Golovach took place in the library. Natalya Golovach is our compatriot and a native of Beshenkovichi district. Her fate is also connected with Vitebsk, where she graduated from the music college. She lives and works in Minsk nowadays.

  • Презентация книги Николая Наместникова «Kresy»

    15 декабря в библиотеке состоялась презентация книги стихов и дорожных записей поэта, лауреата «Литературной премии имени Петруся Бровки» Витебского облисполкома Николая Наместникова «Kresy».

  • Презентация книги Николая Пивовара «50 музеев Витебска»

    19 января в библиотеке состоялась презентация книги кандидата исторических наук Николая Пивовара «50 музеев Витебска».

  • Presentation of the book by Nikolai Pivovar «Regional Atlas of the Vitebsk Region»

    As part of the «Regional Studies Meetings» series, on October 24, the library hosted an event that attracted the attention of history and culture lovers - the presentation of the book by candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Nikolai Pivovar «Regional Atlas of the Vitebsk Region».

  • Presentation of the Book «Topsy-Turvy» by Oleg Seshko

    On February 13, the library hosted a presentation of the new book of children's poems «Topsy-Turvy» by writer and poet Oleg Seshko.

  • Book Presentation «Bird`s Constellation» by Olga Nikitenko

    On January 22, the presentation of the first book by Olga Nikitenko «Bird's Constellation» took place in the library.

  • The Presentation of the Book «Juska Vyalesa» by Svetlana Guk (Dedinkina)

    On the 11th of November at the library the «Juska Vyalesa» book presentation of journalist, ethnographer, writer – Svetlana Guk (Dedinkina) took place. This book is a second work of the author in the series «Skarby rodnay pryrody» by publishing house «Mastatskaya Litaratura» and dedicated to history and rich natural heritage of Braslaw.

  • Presentation of Book by Sergei Rublevsky «Mamyn Shept Pad Abrazamy»

    On the 14th of April the library hosted a meeting with Vitebsk prosaist and publicist Sergei Rublevsky who presented his book «Mamyn Shept Pad Abrazamy» («Mother's Whisper under the Icons»). The book represents a collection of essays, sketches and letters. It's the author's eighth book which he defined as a 'reverence book'.


  • Presentation of the book by Sergei Tambi «Estonians in Belarus»

    On August 24, the library hosted a presentation of the book by the researcher of Estonian communities Sergei Tambi «Estonians in Belarus», which describes the history of creation and ethnocultural features of the Estonian population of Belarus.

  • Презентация книги Т. И. Красновой-Гусаченко «Встреча»

    17 сентября в библиотеке состоялась презентация книги «Встреча» поэтессы, лауреата Всероссийской литературной премии, председателя Витебского областного отделения ОО «Союз писателей Беларуси» Тамары Ивановны Красновой-Гусаченко.

  • Презентация книги Тамары Красновой-Гусаченко «Жизнь – моя молитва»

    19 января в библиотеке состоялась презентация книги Тамары Красновой-Гусаченко «Жизнь – моя молитва». Тамара Краснова-Гусаченко – член Союза писателей Беларуси, Союза писателей России, председатель Витебского областного отделения Союза писателей Беларуси, автор более двадцати книг, среди которых стихи и сказки для детей, поэтические сборники. Книга «Жизнь – моя молитва» – это первая книга прозы автора.

  • Presentation of Tamara Krasnova-Gusachenko's book «My native and favorite land»

    On December 19, the library held a presentation of the book «My native and favorite land» by chairperson of the Vitebsk regional branch of the Belarusian Union of writers Tamara Krasnova-Gusachenko.

  • Presentation of the book by Tatyana Kotovich «Vitebsk: Spasskaya Street. Commissar Putna»

    As part of the «Local History Meetings» series, a presentation of the book «Vitebsk: Spasskaya Street. Commissar Putna» took place on November 14 in the regional library.

  • Презентация книги Франца Сивко «Раз – шкілет, і два – шкілет»

    2 мая в библиотеке состоялась презентация очередной книги известного прозаика, члена Союза белорусских писателей Франца Сивко. Как отмечено в аннотации к изданию, главный лейтмотив размещенных в нем произведений – осознание экзистенциальной сущности личности в сегодняшнем дне через осознание коллизий ее судьбы и поступков прошлого.

  • Presentation of the book by Franz Sivko «What happened before»

    On November 10, a presentation of the book of regional studies researches by the prose writer, publicist and regional ethnographer Franz Sivko «What happened before» took place in the library.

  • Presentation of Franz Sivko's book «Bar Codes»

    On October 19, the library hosted a presentation of a new book of the Belarusian prose writer, essayist, publicist Franz Sivko, «Bar Codes». The eleventh book of the prose writer, the winner of the literary prizes named after Vladimir Korotkevich and «Clay Vyales», is a collection of essays, which includes the works previously published and the new works.