
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

Database «Regional archive of periodicals»

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Database «Regional archive of periodicals»

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  • Presentation of the book «List of monuments of Military Glory, memorial Places, Military graves and graves of the Great Patriotic War victims of the Vitebsk Region»

    On September 23, the presentation of the book «List of monuments of military glory, memorial places, military graves and graves of the Great Patriotic War victims of the Vitebsk region» took place in the library. The author is candidate of historical sciences Nikolai Pivovar.

  • Presentation of the book «Saint Alexander Nevsky»

    On July 2, the library hosted a presentation of the book «Saint Alexander Nevsky» by Alexander Ananichev. The event, organized by the Diocese of Vitebsk of the BOC and Vitebsk Regional Library, was held as part of the city's festive program timed to coincide with the 800th anniversary of the birth of the faithful Grand Prince Alexander Nevsky.

  • Презентация книги «Традыцыйнае адзенне Віцебшчыны»

    18 апреля в библиотеке в рамках цикла мероприятий «Да 80-годдзя з часу ўтварэння Віцебскай вобласці» состоялась презентация издания «Традыцыйнае адзенне Віцебшчыны». Книга издана главным управлением идеологической работы, культуры и по делам молодёжи Витебского облисполкома и Витебским областным методическим центром народного творчества за счёт гранта Президента Республики Беларусь. Издание посвящено этнографу, фольклористу, краеведу, первому исследователю традиционной одежды Витебщины Николаю Никифоровскому. Руководитель проекта – директор Витебского областного методического центра народного творчества Екатерина Лабуко. Над книгой работали ведущие методисты центра Нина Бобрович и Людмила Вакар.

  • Presentation of the book «Traditional culture and everyday life of Belarusians»

    On December 9, the library hosted a presentation of the book «Traditional culture and everyday life of Belarusians» by Yekaterina Pivovar and Gennady Artemenok. The book was published in the series «The big encyclopedia of little professor».

  • The Presentation of the Book by A. A. Goncharov «First Minsk Partisan Brigade (1941–1943.) »

    On the 25th of April, in the Vitebsk Regional Library held a presentation of the book by historian, ethnographer Anatoly Aleksandrovich Goncharov «First Vitebsk Partisan Brigade (1941–1943.) ».

  • Презентация книги А. А. Гончарова «Первая Витебская партизанская бригада (1941–1943 гг.)»

    25 апреля в 16.00 в отделе периодической литературы состоится презентация книги Анатолия Александровича Гончарова «Первая Витебская партизанская бригада (1941–1943 гг.)».

    Приглашаем всех желающих.

  • Book presentation by A. Baranovsky «Flame (Belica): The history of the estate and village»

    On May, 18 on the department of local history in the framework of the Year of Youth, book presentation by the student of the historical faculty of VSU named after P.M. Masherov, A. Baranovsky «Flame (Belica): The history of the estate and village», took place.

  • Presentation of the book by A. Purtov «They fought with death: the medicine of Rossony distict (1941–1944)»

    On the 13th of May in Reading Room Department the presentation of the book by A. Purtov «They fought with death: the medicine of Rossony distict (1941–1944)» will take place.

    Everyone is welcome.

  • Презентация книги А.А. Черемина «Награды СССР за военные заслуги»

    29 апреля в отделе краеведческой литературы и библиографии состоялась презентация монографии российского историка-архивиста Александра Александровича Черёмина «Награды СССР за военные заслуги».

  • The Presentation of the Book «In Granite and Bronze: Vitebsk Monuments and Memorials» by A. Podlipsky


    On the 2nd of June in the Department of Local Literature and Bibliography the presentation of the book «In Granite and Bronze: Vitebsk Monuments and Memorials» by A. Podlipsky, took place.

  • The Presentation of The Book «Death Camp


    On the 20th of November in the Reading Room Department of Vitebsk Regional Library the presentation of the book «Death camp "The 5th Regiment"» by A. M. Podlipsky and V. A. Rizo took place.

    This book is a first edition dedicated to the death camp, which is situated on the 5th railway regiment territory, which was located in the barracks on the western Vitebsk outskirts, between roads to Polotsk and Gorodok. Relatives from the population of our city through a hard trial of this camp.

    Vladimir Rizo - former young prisoner of "The 5th Regiment", who has been studying the history of the camp over the years, give a horrible facts from archival documents.

  • Презентация книги Александра Барановского «Дзмітрый Прышчэпаў. Старонкі жыцця»

    27 апреля в библиотеке состоялась презентация книги кандидата исторических наук, заведующего отделом научно-информационной работы Института истории Национальной академии наук Беларуси Александра Барановского «Дзмітрый Прышчэпаў. Старонкі жыцця» и сборника материалов конференции «Сенненскі край: гісторыка-культурная спадчына рэгіёна».

  • Презентация книги Алеся Замковского «Наступны прыпынак»

    24 октября в библиотеке состоялась презентация книги Алеся Замковского «Наступны прыпынак». Алесь Замковский – поэт, заведующий литературной частью Национального академического драматического театра имени Якуба Коласа. Является лауреатом первого конкурса молодых писателей «Экслібрыс» (2012), финалистом фестиваля авторской песни и поэзии «Витебский листопад» (2017). 

  • Presentation of the book by Alina Grishkevich titled «Women's Fates are the Fate of the United Belarus»

    On January 23, the library held a presentation of the book titled «Women's Fates are the Fate of the United Belarus» written by a journalist, BelTA's commentator for covering the activities of the President of the Republic of Belarus, writer, honoured worker of culture of the Republic of Belarus Alina Grishkevich.

  • Presentation of a book «The Squirrel» by Andrei Gerashchenko

    On May 5, the library held a presentation of the book «The Squirrel» by Vitebsk author and member of the Union of Writers of Belarus Andrei Gerashchenko.

  • Presentation of Book «E Charam Snittsa Chalavek...» by Anna Novoseltseva

    Navaselcava-afisha-1On the 7th of June the library hosted the presentation of the book of mythical narratives «E Charam Snittsa Chalavek...» (Spells Are Dreaming of a Human) by Anna Novoseltseva, a professor at the VSU named after P. M. Masherov. This is the first book of the young author, though her stories could be found on the pages of literary periodicals, anthologies and collected books.


  • Презентация книги Анны Новосельцевой «Калі цябе спаткае казка»

    27 ноября в Витебской областной библиотеке состоялась презентация сборника современных сказочных историй писателя, лауреата Литературной премии имени Петруся Бровки Витебского областного исполнительного комитета, кандидата филологических наук Анны Новосельцевой «Калі цябе спаткае казка».

  • Book Presentation by Anton Paraskevin (Victor Ulyutenko) «Boulders of the Native Side»

    On September 21,2017 book presentation by Anton Paraskevin (Victor Ulyutenko) «Boulders of the Native Side» took place in the library. Victor Ulyutenko - local historian, poet, prose writer, doctor, member of the Belarusian Union of Journalists and member of the Belarusian Writers' Union. Writer was born and worked in Shumilino. Explores the history and culture of the Shumilino district, monuments of history and architecture.

  • Presentation of the Book «Vitebsk! It Has Its Own Particular History of Liberation» by Arkady Podlipsky

    On June 25, a presentation of the book «Vitebsk! It Has Its Own Particular History of Liberation» by Arkady Podlipsky took place in the library as part of a series of events «To the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Vitebsk Region from the Nazi Invaders».

  • Presentation of the book by Arkady Podlipsky «Lazar Lagin and his "Old Man Hottabych"»

    The presentation of the book by Arkady Podlipsky «Lazar Lagin and his "Old Man Hottabych"», dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the local writer, took place on December 7 in the regional library.