
Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Man of the Year of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Dvina Region: history and here and now»

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Database «Dvina Region:  history and here and now»

Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

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Database «Vitebsk Region: Documentary Heritage»

Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

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Database «Artists of Vitebsk Region»

Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

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Database «Afghanistan. Without the right to oblivion»

Database «Catalog subscription editions»

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Database «Catalog subscription editions»

Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

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Database «Vyzvalenne Vіcebshchyny. 1943-1944»

Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

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Virtual project «Vitebsk region in the war of 1812»

Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Saint patrons of Vitebsk region»

Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

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Virtual project «Military roads of librarians of Vitebsk region»

Database «Regional archive of periodicals»

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Database «Regional archive of periodicals»
Elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus

  • anons-NEW-BOOKS 13-17 01 2025
  • anons-ONE-CHRISTMAS-TREE-26-12-2024
  • THE-WAY-Pshenko
  • anons-INTELLECTUAL-RING 30 01 2025
  • anons-ExLibris
  • anons-presidential library
  • anons-litres
  • anons-elib-nlb
  • shkola-mastak
  • anons-echz

Year of improvement
80 years of the Great Victory
  • Library Helps Teachers

    As a part of the program "Library Helps Teachers", the stuff of the Department of the Periodical Literature developed the form "The Role of Libraries in Meeting the Information Needs of Teachers in Secondary Education" and prepared the bibliography "Magic Summer" (to help the teacher-organizer of the summer camp), "The School Door is Always Opened for Us..." (to help classroom teachers and teachers-organizers), and "Parents and Children: Confrontation or Cooperation?".

  • The List of New Arrivals in August, 2021

    Let us draw your attention to the list of new arrivals in August 2021.

  • Informational Meeting «Unknown Knowledge of Education by Simon Soloveychik»

    On the 25th of February the library hosted the informational meeting «Unknown Knowledge of Education by Simon Soloveychik». Being part of the library project «Together», this meeting was focused on parents with limited physical capacities and their children from the self-care group «OASIS». A book exhibition had been set up for the event.

  • Literary and Music Evening «Song Comes from Heart: Women Poets Speak about Love and Springtime»

    On the 1st of March the library held literary and music meeting «Song Comes from Heart: Women Poets Speak about Love and Springtime» devoted to the International Women's Day. The meeting was arranged in cooperation with the Vitebsk Regional Branch of Public Association «Union of Artists of Belarus». Tamara Krasnova-Gusachenko, Chairman of the association of writers was the anchor of the event. While introducing participants of the meeting, she noted that Vitebsk region is rich in talented and bright representatives of modern Belarusian literature. Natalia Shiyenok, Head of the Department for Ideology, Culture and Youth Affairs at the Vitebsk municipal executive committee, thanked the participants of the event for their love of Belarusian language, their help in education of the rising generation and promotion of human values.

  • "Будущее без наркотиков"

    ООН официально назвала наркоманию одной из трех главных угроз цивилизации – наряду с ядерной войной и экологической катастрофой.

  • "Гляджу на родныя мясціны"

    Гляджу на родныя мясціны,

    Адданая я ім навек,

    Бо даражэй сваёй краіны

    Не мае скарбу чалавек.

  • "Любовь – безумие..."

    Любовь – безумие, но именно она наполняет нашу жизнь смыслом.

                                                                                                           А. Моруа

  • "Откровения" Олега Щигельского

    26 ноября 2010 г. в отделе белоруской литературы областной библиотеки прошла встреча с доцентом кафедры охраны труда и промышленной экологии УО "Витебский государственный технологичный университет" Олегом Щигельским.

  • "Папялішча – не тлен"

    100495 жніўня 2009 года адбылася перадача 100 экзэмпляраў кнігі "Папялішча – не тлен". Такі падарунак для бібліятэк вобласці зрабіў яе аўтар Мікалай Мароз. Кніга адлюстроўвае жорсткія часы барацьбы Обальскіх падпольшчыкаў Шумілінскага раёна з фашыстамі. Вялікі дзякуй Мікалаю Аркадзьевічу за падарунак.

  • "Разговаривайте с цветами, и они откроют вам тайну"

    14 марта сотрудники отдела экономической, технической и сельскохозяйственной литературы приняли участие в заседании городского клуба цветоводов.

  • "Экология и мы" : книжно-иллюстративные выставки

    Всемирный день окружающей среды учрежден Конференцией ООН, состоявшейся в Стокгольме в июне 1972 года, для того, чтобы привлечь внимание мировой общественности к проблемам окружающей среды, заставить принять меры для ее сохранения и оздоровления.  Проводится он 5 июня, начиная с 1973 года. С этого же года он отмечается и в Беларуси.

  • #ReadTogether

    Vitebsk Regional Library joined to the challenge #ReadTogether, in which librarians recommend their favorite books.

  • April 1 – International Bird Day

    Every year on April 1, the world celebrates the International Bird Day. Its goal is to preserve the species diversity and the number of feathered on the planet.

  • April 1 – International Bird Day

    On March 31, the staff of the department of marketing and social and cultural activities held in the school camp of Vitebsk secondary school № 40 the library lesson «Birds on Every Page», dedicated to the International Bird Day.

  • 10-летие подписания Договора о Союзном государстве

    Меньше месяца осталось до празднования исторической даты в жизни братских народов Беларуси и России.

    8 декабря 1999 года Президенты Российской Федерации и Республики Беларусь подписали Договор о создании Союзного государства и утвердили Программу действий по реализации положений Договора, который не только заложил основы объединения нового типа, но и определил основной вектор российско-белорусской интеграции.

  • 100th Anniversary of the Bauhaus: Opening of the Exhibition

    On December 4, the 100thanniversary of the Graduate School of Construction and Art Design (Hochschule fürBau und Gestaltung), founded in 1919 in Weimar and dedicated to the most notable phenomenon in design and architecture of the 20th century - the Bauhaus style (Bauhaus), took place.

  • 105 years since the establishment of the Civil Registry Offices of the Republic of Belarus

    On December, 14 the library held a solemn meeting dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the establishment of the civil registry offices.

  • 13 books for Friday the 13th

    The staff of the electronic reading room offers to your attention thirteen «the thirteenth» books with a wide variety of mystical, fantastic and romantic incidents – from the most harmless to the most horrible.

  • October 13 – Day of Cultural Workers of Belarus

    Dear colleagues!

    Please accept our kindest and most heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday – Day of Cultural Workers!

  • 15 June – Global Wind Day

    This event is organised by EWEA and the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC).