Informative-bibliographical Department
The department of information and bibliographical service provides the creation of bibliographic information from periodicals and collections of articles and offers information searches in the library E-catalogue.
maintenance of database;
creation of bibliographic records for the integral parts of the document;
preparation and publication of annotated bibliographic materials on current topics.
analytical and synthetic information processing from periodicals, collections of articles from the library;
creation and introduction of analytical bibliographic records for the integral part of the document in BELMARC-format for the database «Articles»;
participation in the creation of bibliographic records for the integral part of the document from periodicals identified by the national consortium for analytical bibliographic inventory of LibCARD documents;
complex bibliographic inquiries of library users;
execution of one search bibliographic inquiries received in the Virtual Reference Service of the library for responding rapidly to specific requests of remote users;
preparation of thematic bibliographic materials;
advisory and methodological assistance to the libraries of Vitebsk region on information and bibliographic and reference bibliographic activities;
payment-related service to the users of the department according to the price list.